Background image of wave

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Create a beautiful mouth-watering visual menu for your customers. Easily create happy hours, weekend specials and more. All managed from a simple mobile app.

Background image of a dull menuTruetaste sample menu itemSee a menu in action

A Superior Dining Experience

Customers are hesitant to try something new because they don’t know what to expect. It’s time to end that.

  • Add Beautiful Photos

  • Promote best sellers on top of the menu

  • Easy search for customers
  • No need for customers to download an app.

Manage everything from your phone

Manage section screenshot of Truetaste app
  • Detailed title and description

  • Comprehensive pricing for multiple sizes and extras

  • Upload images directly from your phone

  • Upsell by recommeding items that pair well

  • Show selected items in Popular Item list to sell more

Organize your menu like a pro

Organize section screenshot of Truetaste app
  • Create multiple menus

    Create All Day Menu, Lunch Menu, Specials and more. Set menu hours and other details in the menu description. Easily reorder menus.

  • Multiple categories within each menu

    Create multiple categories like Starters, Salads, Main course and more within each menu.

  • Add multiple items within each category

    Easily add or remove items using the publish button. Every change is live updated. Got a new special for tonight? Add it to the Specials Menu!

Easy to print QR Code

Truetaste QR Code on a table top
  • Custom sizes and shape that fits need

  • Add room number or table number

  • Raw SVG image to put on your menu

Your website, your branding,power to you

Manage Profile on Truetaste
  • Food Order links

    Seamless, GrudHub, Doordash, and more...

  • Reservation links

    OpenTable, Resy

  • Location, Contact, Hours

    Import location and hours from Google. Add email and phone number for contact.

  • Custom domain and brand color

    Get a free website at [yourrestaurant] Use your domain purchased from your domain provider like Namecheap or GoDaddy.

  • Manage everything real time

    Download our iOS and Android app to get the superpowers at your fingertips.

Research shows that customers order 25% more food if they see pictures

Take the guess work out of your food ordering experience.
Get started today

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Simple Pricing

Affordable for small businesses to help them grow


per month

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Cancel anytime. First 14 days on us.

No credit card required

Want to learn more? Book a demo

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, chat with us and we will get back to you.

  • How does this app different from DoorDash or other food ordering app?

    Food ordering apps are only meant for ordering food online. Our mission is to help restaurant provide their patrons a superior dining experience. It all starts with a beautiful photo menu that you manage yourself and own.

  • Who creates the menu?

    You! We want to empower restaurants to easily manage and own the menu so they can provide a wonderful food ordering experience to their customers.

  • How do I update the menu?

    You can easily add a new menu item through our app. It is synced realtime with our cloud system so it will reflected in your QR Code menu right away.

  • Do customers need to download the app to view the menu?

    No! Customers can simply scan the QR Code to view the menu on their phone browser. You can also share the menu link with them.

  • How does QR code work?

    You can create a QR Code in PDF format in our app. It can be easily downloaded and printed. Our customers usually either stick the QR code on the table or use a QR Code Stand which can be easily ordered from Amazon.

  • Do I need to print a new QR code when I change the menu?

    Absolutely NOT. Your QR Code is permanent. Any changes that you make to your menu will be reflected real time to any of your printed QR Codes.

  • Can our staff or waiters manage the menu?

    Yes! Making a good menu sometimes require help from your chefs, waiters, managers, or your tech support. You can easily add multiple members to your restaurant so anyone can add new food photos or even create/remove a menu item. There is no extra fee for adding multiple members to your restaurant.

  • Can I create Specials or Weekend menu?

    You can create an unlimited number of menus through our app. Any item can be easily removed, marked as sold out, or can be made temporarily unavailable.

  • We are about to change our menu. Should we wait?

    Unless you are going to change more than 50% of the items on your menu, there's no reason to wait. You can easily take any item off your menu temporarily and add it back next season without needing to create it again!

  • Can you help us create a menu for our restaurant?

    We would be happy to help you. Please let us know some times that work for you by clicking on the chat item at the bottom-right of the page. We are a small team based in New York City. We can come to your restaurant and show you how to use our app so you can manage it all by yourself.